Many of us get caught up with the day to day routine and it can be really hard to break. I have put together a quick list of 25 things to start doing right now to break that pattern. These are quick things that you can easily do right now and improve your life. If you do these 25 things, even if only a few, you will feel better mentally, physically and overall less stressed.
Schedule Alone Time Every Day
No matter if it is an hour or only 10 minutes, schedule alone time every day for yourself. Take this time to relax and prepare for the day or calm down from the chaos. Meditate, color, read, watch your favorite show, or listen to music. It does not matter what you do, only that you do it and give yourself alone time every day.
Drink More Water and Green Tea
Making the switch from coffee to green tea in the afternoon is another challenge to throw in the mix. Green tea has been proven to improve brain function, increase fat burning, and contain antioxidants which may lower your chances of certain cancers. Try and drink some green tea in the evening or even go full out and change out that medium roast for tea leaves.
Drinking more water is something we all know we need to do but can be hard. Start with baby steps until you hit your water consumption goal. At lunch, replace your normal juice or soda with water. Soon, you will make those simple decisions and drink water throughout the day.
Meditate Daily
Whether you want to do yoga or meditation, do something to reset your mind daily. Meditation has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and overall help your emotional well being which is something a lot of us have a problem with. Do this in your scheduled alone time each day and reap the benefits.
Stop Thinking Negatively
This is not an easy thing to do, but it is a possibility for everyone. Being positive is a choice, no matter your current circumstances or what you have been through. Work on controlling your thoughts and make the decision that when you feel a negative comment coming on that you choose the opposite.

Stop Procrastinating
Make your life easier and stop procrastinating! Waiting to wash the dishes or fold the clothes only means that soon you will have to spend your entire Sunday to finish all the small things you did not do during the week. Wash the dish now, pay your bills as soon as you can – get these small things off of your to do list and remove that unnecessary stress in your life.
Wear Things That Make YOU Happy
Stop thinking and worrying about what others may think about your outfit! Wear what makes YOU happy. If it is hot outside, wear shorts! It is very simple – whatever makes you happy and comfortable, wear it.
Unfollow Negative Friends on Social Media
If you have those few friends on social media that always post negative thoughts or comments towards others – DELETE THEM. There is no need to add the negativity to your life. Surround yourself with positive,supportive, and fabulous people. If they are a lifelong friend and you can not unfollow, at least hide their posts so you do not have to witness the negativity.

Put Your Phone Away When Having Dinner
Every night, put your phone on the charger or in your purse, and do not touch it until you are done with dinner. Disconnect from everything and spend the time on you.
When I go out to eat with a group we make it a game to put all the phones in the middle of the table. Nobody is allowed to touch their phone until the bill has come to the table. If someone breaks this rule then the rest of the group gets to determine the punishment, which is usually a really horrible tasting shot.
Take Daily Vitamins
Very few of us get all of our required nutrients throughout the day. Add a multi-vitamin to your regime and make your body happy.
Go To Bed Earlier
The recommended sleep by the National Sleep Foundation for adults ranging from 18 – 64 is 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Do you hit this number? I am still working on going to bed earlier to allow myself to get at least 7 hours a night and it is a gradual process. When you do start to get those hours, you will definitely feel the difference and your body will thank you.
I have purchased a Fitbit and one of the amazing abilities is to track your sleep. I have learned that I sleep better if I have green tea a few hours before bed as well as I sleep absolutely horrible if I eat before bed (which is bad anyways). If you have a Fitbit, do not forget to take advantage of this feature.
Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
This is another hard one to do, especially in our society today. Work on reminding yourself that you are unique and you are beautiful just as you are. What you wear, what you do, what you have been through, and where you are in life is your own path. Focus on you and it is amazing how much happier and free you will feel.

Avoid Processed Foods
This is a hard one considering how processed foods are everywhere you turn. Make those baby steps to removing processed foods from your diet and start introducing the natural, whole foods that are great for your body and mind.
Love Yourself
Sad to say, this is probably the hardest one on the list for many people. Love yourself – it seems so straightforward. To love yourself is to understand that you do not need to be perfect, you do not need to like every part of your body, but you need to respect yourself, your body, and love you for all that you are. This does not happen overnight, for many it is a lifelong struggle, but it is possible and once you do it is absolutely amazing.
Throw Away/Donate Things You Don’t Need
Throw away or donate all the things that you do not need or have not used in a long time. If you have not worn it in the past year, it should not still be in your closet. Remove the clutter from your life, physically and mentally.
Keep A Journal
Go out and buy a simple journal and keep it by your bed. Every night write down 3 things that you are thankful for from the day. It sounds very small, but this quick habit each night will let you go to sleep with positive vibes and remind you of all the amazing things you have to be thankful for.
Stretch Daily
Stretching daily is not only good for your body, but also your mind as it has been proven to reduce stress. Research has also found that stretching before bed will help you sleep better, which is something we all could use.
Go Outside
Take the time to go outside more. Our society has us focused on technology so much that we are inside more than ever before. Spend some time every day to soak up that Vitamin D and enjoy the fresh air. Take the dog for a walk, call your relatives to catch up while you are sitting on a park bench, or simply just walk and enjoy the sun.
This is one of the easiest ones on the list – SMILE! It is true that a smile is contagious. If you are having a bad day, just smile and you will feel the difference. Use your smile to change the world, do not let the world change your smile.
Take A Walk/Swim/Bike Ride
Take some time every week to go for a walk, a quick swim, or even a bike ride. Get outside and enjoy those things you used to love doing when you were younger. An added benefit is the workout you will get without even realizing it.
Walk With Your Head Up
I do not know why, but at some point in our lives we stop being that happy child running down the street with no care in the world that is radiating assurance and spirit. When we get older we start to walk around looking at the concrete with negativity and doubt running around in our heads. Make a conscious effort to walk with your head up, with confidence, anda smile. Inhale confidence and exhale doubt.

Eat One More Serving Of Fruit/Veggies A Day
Just one more! Eat one more serving of fruits and/or vegetables a day. I have added an extra serving of fruit for breakfast every day to meet that goal very quickly and it is off my mind. Your body will thank you.
Try A New Workout
Step out of your comfort zone and try a new workout. There are hundreds of new workouts popping up every year – go try one! There are so many options out there that are readily accessible – Zumba, Hip Hop, Salsa, Interval Training, Pole Dancing, Kickboxing, Crossfit – go with friends or go alone, just go and have fun.
Eat A Big Breakfast
We have all heard it – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Wake up a few minutes earlier and make sure you get in that big, healthy breakfast to set you up for a great day.
This is a new trend that is taking over adulting by storm, and I LOVE IT! You can find adult coloring books almost anywhere and they are an amazing stress reliever. I love to take them with me on long flights or just use my alone time to color a few pages and relax.
Read More
Read more! Not on Facebook or Pinterest, but an actual book or article. Never stop learning. Read an article on new technology, or events happening in other parts the world. You may find that there is place you want to add to your travel bucket list. If you are not sure which book to read, take a quick stop at a bookstore, or Amazon, and pick a book off of the New York Times Bestseller list.